Say Their Names

I am usually not one to comment when I don't know the whole story.  I do feel that it is my right as a friend of the black community to speak up on a topic that has been ignored for far too long. It disgusts me even to feel the urge to blog about an issue that should not exist in the first place. In general, it is hard for me to form words every time I see an act of brutality taken against another human. I am an empath so I take these topics and acts of news very seriously.

Definition: An empath is someone who is highly aware of the emotions of those around them, to the point of feeling those emotions themselves. Empaths see the world differently than other people; they're keenly aware of others, their pain points, and what they need emotionally.

Even if you have not been watching the news lately, you should still know that the black community has been facing many forms of crisis. This is not new and nor' an issue that should be ignored. I have found many of my brothers and sisters exclaiming that they are scared and frightened. This is not normal and should not be silenced.
The law is supposed to be set in place to protect the rights of a person of any religion, race, ethnicity, or gender......not just white people. People that are saying that "all lives matter" don't understand the oppression and work that blacks had and have to fight through on a daily basis. A black person should not have to be afraid to leave their house in fear of getting shot. A black person should not be murdered by a law enforcement because of a bad check. A black person should not die for walking outside. A black person should not be wrongly convicted just by the color of their skin. 

This movement does not belittle any other community. #BlackLivesMatter doesn't mean that other races don't matter. It is a sign to help those who feel lost and silenced. The black community is struggling and they are screaming for equality and a source of safety which we have not been following through like what is falsely claimed.

Parents should not have to worry about their children growing up in fear of the law. Spouses should not have to think about their partner leaving for work and not coming home. Racial violence is a serious issue that happens almost everyday, and half of the stuff doesn't even make the news. People should not have to have a notion about being looked at as a "threat." We have lost so many gifted people because of brutality and we need to check ourselves at the door because we are in the wrong right matter how much we try to convince ourselves otherwise.

A person's skin tone does not define the kind of person they are. I understand and know I am privileged. I am also a person that is willing to give support and make other's lives better. I hope a source of urgency for peace and equality makes progress forward even after all of the current news blows over. We all deserve to live our lives to the best of our abilities without doubt and fear.

I understand I have a-lot to learn and I am trying everyday as a white woman to educate myself on different cultures and communities. I will always be a student in this world. I'm looking to find justice and a voice for the people that desperately deserve it.

As a humanitarian, I want to help in any way I possibly can and so can you. Please send letters to officials, sign petitions, and help out the black community. Here are some organizations where you can donate:

Official George Floyd Memorial Fund
NAACP Legal Defense Fund
Black Lives Matter
Communities United Against Police Brutality


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