
Showing posts from July, 2019

So... Where Do I Start

Dear Beautiful Reader, Hello, my name is Bailey Seegers and I just started my blog out like a professional email writer even though this is my blog and I don't have to feel like I'm writing an email. If you have never heard of me before, that's okay I'll tell you a bit about myself. Fortunately, I won't go through the boring icebreakers of my age, favorite color, or any of the stuff that doesn't need to be remembered. Instead let me explain  how I got to being on your web browser in the first place. I chose to write this blog not only help myself rant my thoughts to an empty keyboard, but to help people understand that not everything has a definition for it or can be found in a Webster Dictionary . (Believe me, I've tried looking). I'm the cute little devil on the right I have already had many rocky situations for just becoming a baby adult/ legal age. I was born premature, went through physically therapy, and moved from town to town a lot. Its