Dear Beautiful Reader,

Hello, my name is Bailey Seegers and I just started my blog out like a professional email writer even though this is my blog and I don't have to feel like I'm writing an email. If you have never heard of me before, that's okay I'll tell you a bit about myself. Fortunately, I won't go through the boring icebreakers of my age, favorite color, or any of the stuff that doesn't need to be remembered. Instead let me explain how I got to being on your web browser in the first place. I chose to write this blog not only help myself rant my thoughts to an empty keyboard, but to help people understand that not everything has a definition for it or can be found in a
Webster Dictionary. (Believe me, I've tried looking).
I'm the cute little devil on the right |
I have already had many rocky situations for just becoming a baby adult/ legal age. I was born premature, went through physically therapy, and moved from town to town a lot. Its not all sunshine and rainbows. In addition, I was raised by a single mother who had to figure out how to balance a child, financial issues, and a job. So straight out of the womb I already had to find a way to navigate myself through obstacles that I had created. Nobody said life is easy. Life treats everyone as more of a game of
JENGA. Once you feel like you have made the right move, the tower crashes down and you have to start from the bottom again.
I loved coloring |
I have always wanted to show my creativity in some sort of way since I was a small child, whether it was through theater, dance, horrible singing, and especially art. I always had a box of crayons or a piece of chalk in my hand, but ever since I have started writing rough drafts for a my unfinished books, I thought I would express more of my heart felt side through blogging. When I was younger I wanted to be an author, artist, dog trainer, and actress for the longest time. As much as I wanted to be training dogs or be a
New York Times Bestselling Author, my mind always traveled back to the idea of making art to tell a story whatever that may have been. I have a passion for storytelling and listening and telling story to make an impact on others. In addition, my grandmother has always had a niche for helping others and she passed that on to me. I try to help in anyway possible for the feeling of doing the right thing. I know this blog might only reach a few people, but if I can give an outlook to those few people from the eyes of a similar struggling individual, I feel like I am doing my job of helping others.
So now that you have a short resume of who I am. Lets get started on a journey. So...Where do I start?
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