Expressing is a Blessing

 Happy Fall, ya'll. This is my time of year. Don't get it twisted, I'm not the classic girl that carries around pumpkin spice lattes and brags about how I got my hands on the latest iPhone. This time of year, I just love the feeling of the cool Midwest breeze against my arms and the my classic beanie, flannel fashion, also Halloween is pretty cool too (gotta love some thriller movies). If you have been following my blogging journey the last few months, you know that I am very outspoken about my individual personality. I am not a typical high school senior that wants to go to college to become an teacher of some sort. I want to educate people in a different way.
Societal Beauty by Bailey Seegers 2019
 I have been a person with a creative taste for dark artwork because I feel like it reflects the side of me that people never see or want. I want to give off that is what makes me most comfortable, and not everyone is okay with that. I have had people tell me that my artwork "creeps them out" or isn't what society wants to look at. I have posted strong writing and cinematography that has also made people question why I didn't put a happy pill in it for a classic fairy tale ending. I do what makes me feel a sense of contentment. Fortunately, I'm not writing all of this to say that those things are not true.  I know all those things are true about me and I love to embrace them each and every day. The truth is, dropping darker tones of my emotions in my work helps me cope with all of my problems, and I have had a lot lately. Life is not about roses and butterflies, in fact, that is a very awkward way of walking through life. If I didn't have a bad day once in a while, there would be no backbone to my story.
         l am not a cookie cutter, nor was I ever. Teenagers are suppose to go out and post pictures of how much fun their having on a Friday night. Obviously, I'm not that, otherwise, I wouldn't be at a coffee shop blogging. As I am gearing up for my graduation and looking through pictures of my younger self, I have realized that I transformed from a girly cookie cutter, to a nerdy bad ass who wants to be the furthest thing from societal norms. I am going to college for two dimensional animation next fall, and let me tell you, people don't expect me to reply to the famous senior question, saying that I'm going into a major that is not nursing, accounting, engineering, or teaching. Those careers didn't fascinate or catch my eye as a child. I always wanted to do the unexpected and do something out of the ordinary from my peers. I go for a passionate path, not a traditional one.
         It took me until I entered high school to finally feel like I was my own person and to accept me for the weird individual that I am. To this day, some days I still have issues with myself. I struggle with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and disordered eating, but I have learned to love myself through my illnesses. I have been through trial and error and have picked up that we don't have to copy and paste everyone else's decision as our own. We try so hard to come off as a perfect person to give a healthy impression to people. Unfortunately, those actions have a complete opposite effect. I have written about anxiety in a previous blog, but anxiety comes in all shapes and forms, but it increases when we try to be something that we are not. I have got many questions about my societal beauty art piece, and I always  respond with "What do you see?" That might sound cliche but I don't make artwork with a clear intention. I express my feelings so that others can find their own.
        If we don't find who we are as individuals, then we don't have opportunities to grow. If feelings don't come out the easy way, there is only one other way to go. Speaking out is so much more healthier than keep ourselves locked away with no one to hear us. We need to communicate in ways to release all of the toxic energy that we keep inside for our darkest hours. Those dark hours are what keep us from being happy and living successful lives. Expressing yourself with the world and can improve your definition of happiness. We all have, and we all can use it.


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